Working Together To Remember, Restore and Renew Our Traditional Roles As Indigenous People

A Canadian Accreditation Council
​CAC Accredited Early Intervention Program

Sociocultural Values in Online Casinos: Traditions and Ecopayz

Community Events 2016

Find your inner power by helping others

The Rationale 

Our Aboriginal people tend to live in the east end of Edmonton. It is important to begin to remove the initial barriers of generational trauma by providing professional services for Aboriginal people by Aboriginal people. Through this professional Indigenous approach to programs and services, we help our people remember, restore and renew their traditional teachings and values; thereby, bringing balance and wellness back into their lifestyle. Only then, can we truly assist our people in moving forward with their lives in the sense of education and career development.

Traditionally, in the tipi, everyone is valued equally; therefore through provision of an egalitarian neighbourhood environment that values everyone in the community equally; and where people practice the sacred values that provide one with the direction, guidance, knowledge and wisdom that they need in life; only then, has one the opportunity to be valued for who they are, and the ability to clearly move forward with their lives.

The Red Road Healing Society is a not for profit Child and Family Resource Center that is accessible, friendly, safe, warm welcoming and free. Wholistic wellness programming for children, youth and families is provided that utilizes a variety of indigenous cultural perspectives, knowledge and practices.

In the Beverly, Rundle, Abbotsfield area of Edmonton and throughout Turtle Island, there is a high population of Aboriginal children, youth families and individuals who are suffering from the effects of multigenerational trauma as a result of residential schools, colonization, relocation, smallpox, inflicted Christianity and loss of Culture.

Our goal is to reduce the abuse, apathy, isolation, low self esteem, stress, grief addiction, violence and general pain in our peoples' lives (Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal). We strive to increase our participants' knowledge of Indigenous peoples' educational, health, legal, psychological and social life ways, rights, values and beliefs through cultural lens.




Reach Out

Work with members in your community and make a difference

Vision - To walk with all our relations on the Red Road of life by remembering, renewing and restoring our traditional roles and values that brings life; so as to continually move forward 'in a healthy way' as indigenous People

Path - We do this through providing professional social, educational, legal and health services through an existing cultural, grassroots, community base agency, that provides a spectrum of wholistic services for children, youth, adults and families of the Beverly - Abbottsfield - Rundle communities.




The Red Road Healing Society